Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Linus Has Some Anger Issues...
...but he seems to be dealing with them rather well, I think:

Of course, it depends on who he's throwing the rocks at. Shultz sometimes had loosely-religious themed comics (there's one of snoopy floating down a river in a little basket, with linus quoting the bible and charlie brown saying "I don't think that's moses" that I used to have on my fridge), so I sorta expect Jesus to come out and give a good ol' "he who is without sin cast the first stone" speech. Maybe Jesus as Pig-Pen.

Filed under:Comics as Life

Monday, August 14, 2006

I dunno. I just think that sometimes comic strips are pure poetry.

Filed under:Comics as Life

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy
I know that Hugo, at least, defends the idea that we ought to (mostly) feel sorry for Mel Gibson, a drunk with a lot of anger, but I feel differently. I feel that he's preachy in a way that is hypocritical to the extreme, even in his 'apology' to Jews for what he said (i.e. "saying those things goes against my religious beliefs," when he's shown repeatedly that he doesn't think they do). I do feel sorry for the guy--he's an angry, bigoted drunk, and that's not an easy place to be. But I also feel happy that his hypocrisy is on display for all to see, just as his 'holiness' (i.e. his making of a movie about how the Jews killed Jesus) was on display for all to see. It's fitting.

And, it makes for great comics (click to enlarge):

Filed under:Comics as Life

Monday, July 31, 2006

Cactus Hats Goeth Before the Fall
This is for all of you, just because I thought it was funny, but it's most especially for my buddy who told me last week about how unimaginably proud she can be sometimes. Too much pride? NO CACTUS HAT!

Filed under: Comics as Life

Thursday, July 27, 2006

When Violence is Funny:
When it's Satchel smacking Bucky upside the head simply because he doesn't understand what Bucky means.

Filed under: Comics as Life

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Politics and Gaming
I love that I can get Get Your War On online still. Here's a sample that references a twelve-sided die, which the gamer in me finds quite meaningful. As usual, click to enlarge slightly...still haven't figured out why comics come out this small on blogger no matter what the settings...

Filed under:Comics as Life and Politics

Monday, July 17, 2006

Jesus, aka Michael: Supervillian

Filed under:Comics as Life
Ah, Childhood
I still read the comics every morning, pretty much. Switched to online a while ago, but it's the sort of lifelong habit that still feels the same as it did when I started it about, oh, 25 years ago or whatever. Same with breakfast. Usually some sort of cereal. It's rice milk and granola now (used to be some sort of o's or cinnimon life), with some yogurt or fruit, but I still sit down, take a few minutes, maybe get a chuckle or two. And there's no doubt that Peanuts still entertains me. Take this for instance: Isn't it cruel he makes the kids all eat bubble-gum for breakfast?

Filed under:Comics as Life